MakerBot starter kit

A little while ago someone posted on the MakerBot Operators group that they were looking for printed pulleys.  Apparently he had managed to scavenge or hack together everything else.

This got me wondering – what printed parts would someone need to get a MakerBot rolling?  There’s the obvious printed pulleys.  If I had a friend who was putting one together, I’d probably want to give them a spare insulator retainer ring and Z axis pulley.  What else should be in a MakerBot starter/welcome kit?

Z axis wobble from bearings?

I’ve seen it suggested on the MakerBot Operator’s group (I forget who…) that Z axis rod wobble can be introduced where the bearings fit on the Z axis rods.  This is an interesting possible source of error… and a solution!

It would seem that if the placement of the bearing on the rod can introduce warp, it might be able to slightly counteract warp as well.  I’ve gotten my Z axis wobble mostly under control.