Blue platform

Foam core build platform, covered in blue painters tape

Foam core build platform, covered in blue painters tape

As the caption suggests, this is just the foam core build platform placed on top of the wooden platform and taped down with blue painter’s tape.  The tape has worked very well for my first PLA print, the teapot.  I’ll try this new platform setup in a little bit.

First and second test prints

Well, I’m trying the traditional mini-mug!

Mini-Mug test!

Mini-Mug test!

Something tells me they’re not watertight.  The first one (left) snapped off the foam-core raft part way through the build.  The second one (right) got all gloppy and then snapped off the foam core raft part way through the build.

Except for the fact they’re not even close to done, the adhesion between the layers seems pretty good.  The raft on the second one was a little gloppy which caused me to be a little apprehensive throughout the build.  After a few layers the gloppiness evened out.  However, it cropped up again, accumulated, got super gloppy, and ruined the build.
