How much for that doppleganger in the window?

Suppose you had a one MakerBot and just had to have a second.  How much would the rest of that MakerBot cost assuming you were willing to design and print every possible printable part? 1  Perhaps it would be in line with the $575 laserless MakerBot Cupcake CNC kit.  Then again, perhaps it would be the cost of the $750 MakerBot Cupcake CNC Basic kit less the $50.00 lasercut plastruder parts and $200.00 lasercut body parts, which would clock in at $500.00. 2

Are you really just $500.00 away from a second MakerBot?  That’s about half the cost of a Deluxe kit!  This brings to mind an even MORE interesting question.

What would you have done if MakerBot offered this deal:  Buy one Cupcake CNC Deluxe kit and get a Cupcake CNC Basic kit half off?

Well, if you already own a MakerBot, it’s like they gave you this deal anyhow!

  1. Including a printable Y stage. []
  2. Admittedly, this assumes zero value to the lasercut external parts.  So, let’s pretend you have a box of the appropriate dimensions. []

C is for Catalyst

I purchased the MakerBot Deluxe Cupcake CNC kit – which came with plenty of tools and TONS of plastic.  The Deluxe kit came with things that you’ll need to operate your MakerBot such as the USB2TTL cable, power supply, and ethernet cables.

However, the wrenches and hex keys could be reused to build another ‘bot.  Parts printed up on a MakerBot could be used to print several very useful, and sometimes expensive, parts for another MakerBot.  The plastruder toolhead is $125.00 without the circuit board.  If you could print up the dinos, printstruder, idler wheel, and insulating retainer ring, you’re replacing all of the lasercut acrylic parts ($50.00 at MakerBot).  A persistent person could even replace all of the plastic spacers, wooden or plastic pulleys, the various wooden holders (Z rod caps, Z stage guides, X end rod caps), and probably even the  entire Y stage with printed parts. 1

Heck, if you had all of those parts you would basically just need a box in which to install them all.

Hmmm.  Anyone feel like designing a printable Y stage?

  1. In fairness, the Y stage would have to be printed up in several pieces due to size limitations. []