3x2x1 Rubik’s Cube assembly pictures

The design should be pretty intuitive.  However, I went ahead and took some pictures of the assembly anyhow.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I think this one came out really really well.  :)

3x2x1 totally printable puzzle cube proof of concept success!

I’ve printed up pieces uploaded this morning to Thingiverse, tried them together, broke two pieces, modified them, printed, and fit some together.  I’ve just modified the STL for what I hope is the last time.  However, I have the barbell fit snugly into the center cube.  It rotates relatively freely and does not want to pop out.  (Of course, I’m sure it could/would if I applied enough force).  This leaves the outside cubes.  I modified the semicircular tabs a little and will reprint them later.

The only problem is that it takes about 40 minutes for my machine to print up two cube parts and a barbell, since they’re so solid.

The important thing is that I’ve just been able to print up and assemble the crucial mechanisms for this puzzle.  I think the next iteration may be what I needed.