Must… stop… brain…

I can’t help it.  Another idea using the last mouse funnel occurred to me.

What if you had a long tube with a series of bristles all pointing in the same direction just like the mouse funnel?  Put some peanut butter on the outside, install in a door, and walk away happy and content that you’re saving mouse lives.

Once the mouse started down that tube it wouldn’t be able to turn around or back up easily.  Given the option of unlimited freedom outdoors and chewing its way back through pokey bits, I can’t imagine it would choose plastic splinters.

Self-emptying mouse funnel mousetrap

I’ve spent WAAAAY too much time thinking about this problem.  Here’s my new idea:

The hope is that a mouse inside your house will walk out the hole in the door to get to the peanut butter on the other side of the funnel.  Once inside the box with all of the peanut butter consumed the mouse can either (a) try to struggle past the pointy bits back into the house or (b) slip outside through the second funnel.