DrawBot – The Breakdown, Part II

Since my prior cost breakdown post, I’ve invested a little more in this project.  Thankfully, this hasn’t been a project where I’ve been throwing money at the end goal.  Overall, it’s been incredibly cheap with the cost of failure at the most delicate points being quite low.this help in choosing the steppers and power adapter.  Here’s what I bought and from where:

Right now the robot is probably close to its final form and I don’t anticipate any further expenditures.  Someone who has a box of electronic stuff could almost certainly build this robot for next to nothing.  Many other people have spare Arduinos, steppers, stepper controllers, and power supplies.  If I just purchased the bare minimum for this project and used scrap stuff from around the house, I probably could have built this robot even cheaper.

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  1. I couldn’t think of anything else I couldn’t live without!! []

Replicating without a RepRap

I’ve read others writing about creating molds for pulleys and molded RepRap parts.  Is this something you do?  Several of the Mendel sets on ebay appear to be parts cast from molds.  This would seem to be a very cost effective and relatively quick way to replicate parts.

At the same time, I’m not sure just how useful it is.  The best thing about a RepRap/RepStrap is you can tell the robot to build you something while you go out for a beer or take a nap.  Casting molds (from the reprap.org link above) seems to be a more involved and detailed process require a fair bit of human intervention.

Given that a set of printed or molded parts are selling for upwards of $400, I have to wonder why no one has stepped up to create a huge mold with all the parts and just start stamping them out.

I also wonder – if everyone had all the plastic/reprap’ed parts they needed – what would the next bottleneck be?  Electronics?