Printable Voltron!

Leonardo Voltron!

Leonardo Voltron!

I’ve mentioned wanting to print a Voltron several times before.  It was Tony Buser who mentioned modifying the Leonardo Robot by jrombousky.

Well, I finally got around to designing it!  All you have to do is print up the parts from Jrombousky’s Leonardo Robot and then this single plate of parts.  Swap out the bits, paint to suit (or print in the color of your choice).


Alternate alternate extruder controller mounting

Tony Buser’s post about his Alternative Extruder Controller Mounting reminded me that I’ve been meaning to show a better picture of my own setup.  I had blogged about it earlier, but not shown a good picture.

Side mounted extruder board, rotated motherboard

Side mounted extruder board, rotated motherboard

Here you can see where I’ve mounted the extruder board at the top left and how I’ve rotated the motherboard 90 degrees counter clockwise.  This gives me better access to the SD card slot.   If you don’t rotate the motherboard, the SD card slot is blocked by the extruder board.

Totally clear plastruder

Totally clear plastruder

Here you can see Leonardo Robot’s arm and how I’ve run the wires from the extruder motor and heater up to the board.

And I’ll form the head!

I remember buying saving up to buy a Voltron toy as a kid.  It was a very small model with plastic lion limbs that did not transform or detach.  It was basically a toy robot with lion slippers and mittens.

Still, I thought it was the greatest freaking thing ever.  Unfortunately, I have no idea where the heck it could be.  Anyhow, I can’t wait to try modeling and printing a replacement.  I really like Tony Buser’s idea of modifying the Leonardo Robot as a starting point.