A standard MakerBot Cupcake CNC requires:
- 8x 608 bearings for the four X axis threaded rods
- 2x 608 bearings for the two Z axis pulleys
- 1x 608 bearing for the X axis pulley
- 1x 606 bearing for the Y axis pulley
With all the cool things that could be built with the addition of bearings to a MakerBot toolkit I wanted to pick up some additional bearings. I figure I could print an improved version of my retractable spring loaded tape measure, the microlathe, and other cool things.
But, where to find these things? My local hardware store didn’t carry them. I went to a hobby shop nearby which had exactly two bearings for $5. It sounded expensive, but I’d never priced bearings before and I really just wanted the two at the time.
A few weeks later I had a brainstorm. Where could I find cheap skate ball bearings? Well, why not a place that sells cheap skates! I called my local used sporting goods store and they had a 16 pack of bearings for $5. Right on.

Ball bearings