Such as: Should I paint? What color(s)?
I’m thinking I should paint. I figure it will help the robot body stand up to a little extra wear and tear while looking cool.
Not white or black. That’s SOooo October 2009. I’m liking gray/gunmetal/silver. I’ve only seen pictures of one silver MakerBot and I rather liked it. (Thank you to RDon Ebben/Robostang 548 for posting pics of his MakerBot 347.) The picture is a little dark, so I don’t think I can see it to its full effect.
Just the other day a user named unrepentantgeek posted a Google Sketchup version of a MakerBot, to make it easy to test out paint/color schemes. URG – you’re the best! Thanks to you, I got to test out this color scheme:

Roughly a 50% gray on the outside, silver on the inside. (I figure I can’t rightfully name the machine Bender unless it has a shiny metal assplate, right?)