Real conversation from work yesterday

Co-worker: <Demands Christmas present for some flippant remark I made.>  Wait, do you celebrate Christmas?

MakerBlock: Well, I don’t have any Christmas stuff up in my office, so… I suppose not.  Well, I do have a picture of an Easter Bunny.  But, that’s because I believe in bunnies.  I believe in bunnies but not Easter, teeth but not fairies, and claws but not Santas.

Aren’t you glad we don’t work together?  You would have to put up with this kind of nonsense all the time.

Printed Dinos!

Don’t get me wrong – I like the acrylic dinos I have.  But what if you want to replace yours with a printed set?  Or what if you want to print up a full extruder kit for a friend?  Well, now you can!  I just uploaded some designs for a printed set of dinos.  Depending upon your batch you may have Big/Little dinos or Weird/Big dinos.  These should work in place of either, assuming that the placement of the bolt holes in the Z stage haven’t changed. 1

I’ve uploaded the sketchup files to make it easy to play with the designs.  As I was mocking these up I was tempted to turn them into bunnies instead of dinos.  Or to give the dinos some more features.  Since I was so torn about which route to take I decided to upload the bland models and let others embellish if they want.

So, print up printstruder and a few dinos for an authentic fully printed printruder.

Update:  Try out Zaggo’s printed dinos instead.  His is a much cleaner more elegant design.

  1. Doubtful []