Mini-MakerFaire East Bay this Sunday 10/24/10!

I’m really excited about this weekend’s Mini-MakerFaire taking place at Park Day in Oakland!  There’s going to be at least 100 different exhibits and things going on.  I can’t wait!!!  (Just bought my tix)

Are you going?  Are you an exhibitor?  If so, leave a comment so I can be sure and stop by your booth and say hello!

364 days to go

I completely missed the Bay Area Maker Faire.1

I did everything I could to make sure I would be there.  I bought an advance two-day family pass.  Even though I live in the Bay Area I booked a local hotel just so we could get there that much earlier and stay that much later.

Alas, everyone in my family caught a nasty bug and we’re still laid up.  At least I was able to give away our tickets as we drove away from the hotel.

In the meantime – did you go?  What did you see?  What did you learn?  Please let me live vicariously through you!

  1. Sorry for the self-pitying whiny post.  I’m sick and it’s my prerogative. []


I’ve been really looking forward to the MakerFaire (Bay Area) for – oooooh – probably about a year now.

Last year was the first time I had attended and I got to see a giant bronze snail car, a Victorian house car, the steampunk area, a giant set of rotating metal wings, pneumatic rockets, LCD guitars, numerous R2D2’s, a chunk of the Long Now clock (the very same which inspired Stephenson’s book Anathem), bicycle powered rock bands, a CandyFab, and, of course, a fully operational MakerBot complete with the MakerBot guys printing off amazing things.

I looked, I saw, I even hoola hooped.  And I’m looking forward to seeing all new amazing stuff.

MakerBot Ordered!

MakerBot CupCake CNC

MakerBot CupCake CNC

Ever since hearing about the RepRap project more than a year and a half ago I’ve been dying to make/build/buy one.  This last May I got to see an actual MakerBot CupCake CNC print a lego right in front of my eyes at the 2009 MakerFaire in San Mateo.  One of the best parts was getting to meet Zach Hoeken Smith, Bre Pettis, and Adam Mayer.

Well, this morning I finally pulled the trigger.

I just ordered a CupCake CNC Deluxe kit from MakerBot Industries.

Here’s the thing: I have no experience working with electronics beyond putting batteries in the T.V. remote.  It’s going to be an adventure!

I can’t wait!!!