The Downside of Blogging

I have another website/blog that I’ve really basically neglected the hell out of.  Due to some new developments related to that other blog, I put up three posts in the last month.  Which is cool and all except…

Now I’m getting pelted with spam through that blog and to the address associated with that website.  I suppose as the spam kings realize a blog is even slightly active, they decide to start spamming the authors.

Surprising spam comment

There was this spam comment to a recent post referencing Doctor Who’s sixth season:

..As with the series of Doctor Who last year the final two episodes before the finale have been much more small scale and in some ways a little different. Last week we had a largely Doctor-less story Love and Monsters and this week we got Fear Her a which is set largely in one single.

The wildest thing about this comment is that it isn’t entirely off base.  The comment relates to the third season of Doctor Who with Martha Jones and the two episodes “Love and Monsters” and “Fear Her.” 1  Someone supposedly named “E. Keith Owens” using the e-mail address “” who posted that spam comment apparently stole it from this website.

I have to wonder – is this a crazy new form of spam?  Did they just type in a few keywords and then get two blogs – mine and that other one – then try to copy/paste our content as comments into each other, and try to get a link back to their crappy foreign exchange website? 2

What incredible nonsense.  As with stupid scareware, why don’t smart people just spend their time creating things that offer value in exchange for money?

  1. Incidentally, two of my least favorite episodes. []
  2. I deleted your link.  So there.  :P  []