Mirror, mirror

Forrest Higgs posted about a script he had written to flip an STL.

Stupid question for anyone who owns a MakerBot – would flipping one of the X or Y stage motor cables (or perhaps flipping the axis in RepG) serve to flip the STL without the need for writing new scripts?

Edit:  Well, there you have it.  Andrew Plumb/Clothbot agrees.  Flipping the X/Y axis will flip your object\.  No STL fiddly scripts necessary for MakerBot owners!

RepG – the best one of them all

Adam, if you read this – the latest RepG is AMAZING.  Getting to preview an STL, convert to GCode, and then to an S3G file all from the comfort of the friendly RepG UI is fantastic!

It’s not that I’m scared of the Skeinforge UI or anything.

It’s just that it stalks me while I sleep, steals my happy innocent dreams, and replaces them with a theater of shadow puppet parade of horrors.

Rebuilding my extruder

Over the weekend I rebuilt my extruder after some adventures with a blowtorch.

I used Rick’s single nichrome wrap method, which served me well on my last re-build.  The documentation of his method is absolutely fantastic and a must-read if you’re rebuilding your heater.  (That page is about PLA, but the nichrome wrapping is pretty universal).

I’m not sure if I wrapped my thermistor better or what, but I seem to be getting more consistent readings from it.  Perhaps this is due to RepG v12?  I would tend to think not since I’m using RepG v12 with the Zach 1 temperature table – the same table I was using before RepG v12.