Two copies of Tetris and Achtung Baby

I just bought a Motorola Droid and was faced with a problem I always forget about when I get a new phone.  If I want Tetris on the phone, I need to purchase it all over again.  This makes me think back to the Actung Baby album by U2.

I’m fine with copyrights, even if the life span of copyrights has gotten ridiculous.  However, it’s pretty ridiculous that I’ve actually shelled out for a copy of Actung Baby on cassette and again on CD.  It’s the SAME music by the SAME band that I’ve ALREADY paid for.  :/

New cell phone!

So, I finally got over my fear of commitment and bought a new cell phone.  I had my prior cell for about 4 years, my cell before that for 3 years, and my cell before that for 3 years.  I keep them well beyond the point where people make fun of my old beat up cell.

I just picked up the Motorola Droid and I’m pretty happy with it so far.  A site that I use regularly that’s almost totally powered by Javascript and AJAX works beautifully with this phone where Windows IE on cells freaks out, Opera Mini does a reasonable job, and the iPhone does a fairly good job.  Web browsing is fast, rendered quickly, connects to e-mail, and all sorts of good stuff.

The thing I’m perhaps the most pleased about is that I can tether the phone to my laptop to use it as 16G extra storage OR as a broadband modem – for no extra fee. 1 2  I wouldn’t often use my laptop away from WiFi, but when I do a little Droid powered broadband love is going to be sweet.

Now back to your regularly scheduled nonsense.

  1. Full disclosure:  You have to download and install a free app called PDANet to be able to connect through the phone.  Not a big deal for me. []
  2. I’m already paying for broadband to the phone, why should I pay for it again in the form of a broadband card for my laptop? []