New Print: Leonardo Robot

Jrombousky designed his Leonardo Robot based upon the ratios in Leonardo DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man.  He mentioned that it was based on these very cool papercraft Paper Robot.  I just used his gcodes and they turned out just fine.  This just supports my belief that a good set of Skeinforge settings may be nearly universal.  In any case, here it is!

Ddomo arigato, Mr. Roboto

Ddomo arigato, Mr. Roboto

Leonardo Robot

Leonardo Robot

Leonardo Robot

Freaking cool. This robot was designed by jrombosky by taking the measurements/proportions/ratios from Leonardo DaVinci’s Virtuvian Man. Even if these proportions were all messed up, this would still be super awesome. It’s a little printable robot!!!

Lego Robot Set

Lego Robot Set

It reminds me of a lego set from a few years ago: