MakerBots for Teachers

MakerBot Industries is giving away ten MakerBots to ten teachers at any educational level.  Let’s just consider this my entry:

  • Your name
    • Uh.  I’ll stick with “MakerBlock” for now.
  • Your school’s name
    • Sheesh.  These are getting harder.  Okay, how about “”?  No?  “MakerBlock U”?
  • The address you’d like the MakerBot sent to if you are chosen
    • Same place as my last order.  ;)
  • A paragraph describing how you would integrate the MakerBot into your curriculum. Include some description of the learning environment and what you teach
    • I would integrate a MakerBot into my curriculum by using it as a demonstration of iterative design, digital fabrication, digital design, invention, and innovation.  The learning environment is the whole freaking internet. 1  I teach digital plastic AWESOME.
  • A lesson plan that you will implement if you get a MakerBot
    1. Pssh.  Just one?  I’ll give you THREE.
    2. You’ve got a MakerBot, a laptop, unlimited plastic and electricity.  You are trapped in a mineshaft.  How do you get out?
    3. You’ve got a MakerBot, a laptop, unlimited plastic and electricity.  You are trapped in a mineshaft with a tiger.  How do you get out?
    4. You’ve got a MakerBot, a laptop, unlimited plastic and electricity.  You are trapped in a mineshaft with a tiger shark.  How do you get out?
  1. Actually, according to Feedburner and Google Analytics, the number is just a few hundred people a day []