Your mamma was so rusty

I recently watched this bit from Doctor Who.  Cybermen and Daleks insulting one another?  Heck yes!

  • Our species are similar, though your design is inelegant.
  • Daleks have no concept of eh-leh-gance.
  • This is obvious.  But, consider – our technologies are compatible.  Cybermen plus Daleks.  Together we could upgrade the universe.
  • Request denied.
  • Hostile elements will be deleted.
  • Exterminate.
  • Open visual link.  Daleks be warned.  You have declared war upon the Cybermen.
  • This is not war.  This is pest control.
  • We have five million Cybermen.  How many are you?
  • Four.
  • You would destroy the Cybermen with four Daleks?
  • We would destroy the Cybermen with one Dalek.  You are superior in only one respect.
  • What is that?
  • You are better at dying.

What other Doctor Who things should be on Thingiverse?

Okay, we already have:

  • A printable dalek, a 3D rendering of a dalek, and a dalek head
  • A sonic screwdriver for the 1st, 10th, and 11th Doctors1
  • A cyberman symbol
  • A dalek, TARDIS, and sonic screwdriver cookie cutter2

What else could we have?

  • A time lord seal
  • K-9345
  • The Pandorica
  • Sonic screwdrivers for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Doctors
  • The Doctor’s calling card from The Remembrance of the Daleks6
  • A time vortex manipulator

I should really include links to all of those…

  1. Well, most of the 11th.  It’s a perpetual work in progress. []
  2. Delicious sci fi???  Sign me up! []
  3. Canine?  OMG!  I finally got that joke! []
  4. And it only took me 26 years! []
  5. Wait, wait, wait… K-9 Unit?  How long has this been around??? []
  6. This is one of my favorite episodes, if for nothing else than the flippant bit about the unlimited rice pudding.  The Doctor leaves a little calling card for no apparent reason, but it is kinda cool.  I had this episode saved on VHS.  My brother taped over it with a Barry Manilow special.  It’s still quite a sore topic for me. []