Inside scoop on the MakerBot decision to launch an announcement of an impending launch

This morning MakerBot tweeted:

Last week we launched the MakerBot Automated Build Platform and the MakerBot Cyclops 3D Scanner and this week we’ve got more to launch!

Uh, let me guess guys – this week you will launch an announcement announcing the launching of a MakerBot Cyclops Automated MK37 3D Build Plastruder Platform Scanner DIY kit. 1

This just isn’t fair.  I’m still enjoying my Plastruder MK5 and looking forward to automated building.  Just because Christmas is a lot of fun doesn’t mean sixteen Christmases back to back are sixteen times better2  Besides, we’re in a recession hoping for an economic recovery – and here you are basically causing the financial ruin of Tony Buser. 3

  1. These announcements of launches of announcements remind me of the recent Daily Show / Colbert Report build up for their competing rallies… []
  2. Just 2 to the power of 4 times as many paper cuts. []
  3. With Tony unable to afford clouds, where will our SCADs live??? []