Adobe Javascript

Pasting paste

Pasting paste

I occasionally create PDF forms for work that would be a lot more useful with just a little bit of logic.  Luckily, PDF’s can run javascript.  To save me from having to continually search for this same information every few months, I’m copying and pasting a piece of an Adobe forum thread here:

// Obtain the value from the first field

var v1 = getField(“balance1”).value;

// Obtain the value from the second field

var v2 = getField(“amount2”).value;

// Set this field value equal to the sum

event.value = v1 + v2;

That should do it.

Photo courtesy of pvera.

Oh Adobe, you so silly

I just updated my Adobe Reader.  The only reason I do it is to patch vulnerabilities in their crappy ubiquitous system.

And, with the update it installs a shortcut to Adobe Reader on my desktop.

Seriously, now, why the hell would I want that?  How could this possibly be useful to anyone?  If I click on a PDF, it opens with Adobe.  If I click on the Adobe link, I still have to go find the PDF that I need to open.  Has anyone, ever, found a use for opening Adobe Reader directly and often enough to justify a shortcut on the desktop?!