ESP8266 Wemos D1 Mini pinout
My Wemos D1 Mini WiFi boards had arrived from China on Friday and I’ve been fiending to build… something with them.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the very basic “blink” sketch to upload. Here were my symptoms:
- When uploading, I got the “error: failed to open” message
- My Windows computer flashed a message when I connected the board, saying it was an unrecognized device
- The Device Manager showed a little “alert triangle” suggesting the proper drivers were not installed
- All of the ports in the Arduino IDE were disabled and greyed out
I tried several different upload speeds and several different USB micro cables to no success. It was not until I found this post explaining that I needed to update the Wemos drivers along with a handy link to said drivers.
Now that I got this board blinking, I can’t wait to get it to do MOAR…
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Update: My buddy Chris pointed out that I’ve been mixing up ESP32 and ESP8266. I’ve corrected the title now.