A friend of mine was talking about homeopathy…

… the other day and how he liked natural solutions and remedies.  I asked him if he knew what homeopathy is.  He thought about it and said, “You know, natural stuff.”  I told him that homeopathy is the belief that exposing yourself to very small doses, parts per million, of a harmful or toxic substance will in some way provide you with a resistance against such compounds.

Astonishingly to me, this did not appear to phase him at all.

I just don’t get it.  How in the world is a small shark bite supposed to protect you from a big shark bite?

@giseburt, if you hated the circus…

…then don’t go to Disney On Ice.

It’s hard to say which would be worse.  I’m not sure if I hate clowns because I fear them so, or because I fear them because of my deep and abiding hatred for them. 1  On the other hand, Disney On Ice is miserable, miserable, miserable.

  1. That said, I like balloon animals.  And red noses.  Face paint?  Not so much. []

Don’t think I’ve given up…

Just because I didn’t label the Clockwork Spider on Thingiverse as a “work in progress,” don’t think I’ve given up on it.  It exists now as an actual physically printed object and I’m very happy about that.  However, the legs are just a stand-in1 for nice spidery looking legs I’ve already designed.  There’s no point in printing the real legs up until I’ve gotten a mechanism that will make them work.

  1. As it were []

Clockwork spiders

I’m so freaking happy with the design, print, and assembly.

You can assemble the entire thing by hand in just a minute or two with no tools or hardware.  Turn the center wheel to make it walk.  Right now the gears are a little rough – but I have an idea on how to fix that in the next revision.  But, if the gears turned even slightly better, I think this design is almost ready for the big time.

I cannot wait to have a printed wind up rubber band powered clockwork spider skittering across my desk at work.

*skritch* *skritch* *skritch*  “Oh, don’t mind leggy.  She can smell fear.”

Flobots?!! Heck yes!

Pandora just suggested this band and I heard their song “Handlebars.”  It sounds like CAKE making sweet sweet love to Beck.

Oh, and the name of the band is Flobots?!  I love robots!

I’m sold.

Update: They also are reminiscent of Maroon 5, Fugees…   but mostly CAKE.  Seriously, it’s like accidentally finding a CAKE album I didn’t know existed.  Yay for horns!