Skeinforge UI suggestions

I rather enjoy building the easy-to-use user interfaces for another website of mine.  I’m always tweaking it and trying to make it better.  Small change, test, ask for input, LRR.1

My last post gave me a great idea.  A large physical console with actual knobs, switches, and dials that all operate Skeinforge.  If I had one of these, I would want it to look like the center console of a TARDIS.  Some of the best Doctor Who moments are when he’s zipping around the console, tapping, flipping, twisting, turning and generally being wacky.

Imagine being able to do that sort of thing and then have a plastic object (of a seemingly correspondingly random quality) pop out of the center?

  1. Lather, rinse, repeat. []

Documenting Skeinforge settings

Uncool tower, cool tower

Uncool tower, cool tower

BotHacker recently documented his adventures in cooling fans and Skeinforge options – to amazing effect. 1  You should read the entire post, because there’s a lot of good info in there.  However, to summarize:

  1. Numerous permutations of cooling fan sizes and speeds offered some improvement.
  2. Using no cooling fans and putting the Skeinforge Cool setting at a minimum layer time of 10 seconds offered a dramatic improvement.

BotHacker’s post is what Skeinforge documentation should look like.

Update: Per BotHacker’s comment below, “Skeinforge must be told to ‘Slow Down’ for this to work. The other option is ‘Orbit’, and may lead to poorer results.”

  1. BotHacker – your photo to the right on Flickr says “all rights reserved” but I thought you might not mind me discussing your post and photos favorably.  If you don’t want me to link or post a copy of your photo, let me know and I’ll take it down. – MakerBlock []