Full RepRap for sale

A complete1 Mendel for sale?  That’s incredible!

There has been a truly amazing progression2 in RepRap parts lately.  While I’m not crazy about eBay as a way of selling3 , it’s a very democratic4 way of disseminating RepRap parts.  The first few parts and sets of parts were all printed, then molded, now MOLDS are for sale?!

Yes, the Platonic ideal of RepRap is that a machine makes the components of the next machine.  But, is it not also part of the RepRap ideal that these machines be disseminated as far and as widely as possible?  It’s really great you can use a RepRap to build another – but that doesn’t mean it’s the best/most economical way.

These RepRap mold are advertised to be good for roughly 50 pourings.  It is advertised to create 9 vertexes at once, but they all appear to be 1/2 vertexes.  The posting also suggests it takes 12 vertexes for a full RepRap.  So:

  • 12 vertexes per RepRap / 0.5 vertexes halves = 24 vertex halves required
  • 24 vertex halves required /9 vertex halves per sheet = 2.67 sheet uses per RepRap
  • 50 uses per sheet / 2.67 uses per sheet = 18.75 sets of RepRap vertexes

Admittedly, this is only a set of molds for the frame vertexes, not the entire set of parts.  However, it’s really only a matter of time before a set is up for grabs.

This makes me wonder – is there a different market value to printed parts rather than molded parts?

  1. ish []
  2. transmission?? []
  3. having sold things on eBay myself []
  4. fair? capitalistic? []

New print: Beco Block!

I printed up my first Beco Block today – and I can’t wait to print up more.  Nate True was kind enough to download the STL files, center, align, save, and zip all of the various pieces1

I’d like to see a new STL file out there that has several different types of these Beco Blocks all on one sheet (similar to Spacexula‘s Mendel production STL files).  I could really see myself cranking out these by the dozens.  In fact…  once I had a sheet designed with a good mix of the various parts I could put it through the MakeNBreak script to churn them out.

  1. Nate, if you’re listening – thank you! []