
I remember waiting for the letter which would tell me whether I got into grad school.  Once you send off your application, it’s out of your hands and just need to be patient.  I was waiting to find out if I would get the small envelope1 or the large envelope.2

I hadn’t thought about the small/large envelope anticipation for a while now.  I was only really reminded when I recently applied for a job.  I saw the posting about 8pm or so and stayed up way later than I’d like to admit writing up my application.

Of course, I had to follow up my application with a post about dinosaurs and lasers…  Both of which I happen to just have lying around here at MakerBlock headquarters. 3

Will I get the small or large envelope???

  1. Boo!!! []
  2. Yay!!! []
  3. aka my living room []