Bein’ a Gangsta

In the last 5 or 6 years I’ve bought two video games for the PC.  Unfortunately, I have probably played each of them no more than about 1 -2 hours total.  I just got busy and didn’t have any time for them. 1  However, a bundle of seven Grand Theft Auto video games as an electronic bundle is a pretty sweet deal for $12.49.  I played Vice City a long time ago2 and had a blast.  Anyhow, I am posting the link without all the affiliate crap I had to click through so that maybe someone else can play these!  Have fun!

  1. I’ve moved on to more important things – such as designing and printing 3D objects! []
  2. But never finished it.  What’s the point?  I was having too much fun playing gangsta. []

How Makers Settle Disputes

So, here’s the deal.  Renosis and I are settling a friendly disagreement by participating in a design challenge.  The rules are simple:

  1. We have 24 hours to upload and publish a Gangsta derivative STL on Thingiverse, starting 5/26/2011 at 11PM EST.
  2. On 5/31/2011 at 11PM EST, the person with the most number of likes wins.

Here’s all you have to do, go to Thingiverse to see my brand new Fez Pez Gangsta, aka the Pezsta, and click Like!