Best Super BoWl Day Ever

Capslock is NOT persuasive

Capslock is NOT persuasive

ToDAY i’ve tinkerED with my DigiSpark From dIGIsTUMP and run it throUGH A few little programs.1 My experienCE with arDuinos is acTUALLY quite limited.  SincE i’M faMILIar with c-style proGRAMMIng languages, I can teLl what an ARDUINO sketch is Doing if i spend enough time staring at the COde.  I staRted off with “Blink,” then cHAnged it tO blink fASTEr, then FOUnd some COde for FLIppING CapsloCK on and off.2

WhAT i like about the dIGIspARK IS that IT IS so small I can keep IT IN THE coffee Table drawer nearesT MY Laptop to tiNKER with WHenever I THINK OF something to TRY.  TherE ARE SOMe interesting littLE FEATURes to the DiGISpark from the arduino i’LL cover IN another posT THAT doesn’t look liKE it was typeD BY A chimp.

The MOST FUnctional pARTS of TODAY have BEEN devoted to PLAYing, MAKING tangram dESIGNS, bloggiNG ABOUt robot pART design, fiddling with a tiny miCROcontROLLER, and, of course, A NAP.  HOW Did you spenD Your super bowl sunday?

  1. Photo courtesy of Adam Fagen []
  2. SEE! []

A watched DigiSpark never boils

Itty bitty microcontroller

Itty bitty microcontroller

I’ve been refreshing my DigiSpark Kickstarter backer/order page for days now watching my spot in the queue go from #3800 to just now under #200. ((Photo courtesy of Clarence Risher))

Since I have such limited experience with Arduinos, I am hoping that this project is a good place to start.  To date my experience with Arduinos had to do with the minor modifications/updates with the Arduino powered motherboard and extruder board for the Cupcake CNC and my DrawBot.

One of the benefits of the DigiSpark that interested me the most was it’s extremely small form factor.  It’s so tiny that I can pop it into a USB port and try out a small Arduino sketch1 without tangling with a USB cable.  And, when not in use I can drop the whole thing into the coffee table drawer.  An Arduino plus USB cable, while still small, are just a little too bulky to toss into the same drawer.  ((Mostly because of all of the other little projects I already have tossed in the same drawer!))

  1. Blink, you say? []