Uh, that’s it for now

I’ve exhausted my cookie cutter ideas for the moment.

With 10cm x 10cm square being about the proper size for a cookie,I would point out that cookie cutters are a really fantastic implementation of a MakerBot print.  So much so that I looked into purchasing “CustomCookieCutters.com.”  Don’t bother – it’s taken.  However, it certainly seems like a viable niche business.

New Design: TARDIS cookie cutter

Now that I’ve got the process for creating a cookie cutter design file, it goes pretty quickly.  Unlike several of recent designs (Dalek, sonic screwdriver, etc), this design is fairly simple.  The STL output from the Sketchup plugin didn’t even need any cleaning up/repairing.

In any case, share and enjoy this TARDIS cookie cutter.

Save the Stoat! Eat a goat!

Soft-pawed albino stoat of Southern Wales

Soft-pawed albino stoat of Southern Wales

I must admit, until very recently I was completely unaware of the plight of the soft-pawed albino stoat of Southern Wales.

The story of these gentle weasels is a sad one indeed.  Once these stoats roamed the great plains of the Serengeti in herds so vast the sound of their collective padded footsteps was deafening.

But, highly prized and sought after for their sweet sweet tears these animals were hunted to the brink of extinction.  Even in this modern age there is a brisk underground black market trade for sad stoats.  Now, this once ubiquitous creature has been moved to the endangered species watch list by the combined efforts of a pharamecutical industry bent upon creating ever more potent drugs for keeping these animals on the brink of despair and a growing demand for stoat tacos fueled by a surge in molecular gastronomy.

If not for the Great Stoat Conservatory in South Wales, the soft-pawed albino Stoat would have all but vanished from the face of the Earth.  Here at GSCSW these ermines are protected from poachers where it is hoped their numbers may recover… in time.

Thank you to DaveD for bringing my attention to this fascinating mammal.

So, please take the time to make some of these delicious stoat cookies and remind your friends to save the stoat and eat a goat.

Show me your llamas!

This llama cookie cutter doesn’t take much plastic to print, especially if you’ve got a heated build platform or are printing in PLA.  The surface area of the part that touches the build platform is so small you might be able to get away with no raft at all.

A few days ago I was explaining to a friend of mine that you can print anything with a MakerBot.  All you need is sufficient time, determination, and plastic. 1  What I would really like to show my friend is how the llama cookie cutter we designed has made it around the world in just a few days.

How about printing a llama cookie cutter and posting a picture?

  1. The prime examples of this would be the cathedral playset and the MakerBot MakerBot []