I don’t think I’m THIS enthusastic about anything

Which means, depending on how you look at things, this is either a commentary on how nutty some people can be or how empty my life is. 1  Here’s a comment from a woman who purchased an iPad:2

“Have you touched one?” she said after being asked why she showed up at 7:30 a.m. at the Apple store. “It’s going to change everything about how you live. You are going to be connected to everything. You are 30 seconds away from anything you need to know. It’s really amazing.”

This quote makes it sound as if by purchasing an iPad the sky will open up and the Dali Lama will start IM’ing you for advice about life, the universe, and everything.  I like Apple, I like Apple products, and I love how they’ve raised the bar as to what we expect from computers3 , portable music devices, and mobile phones.  That said, they did not invent the internet when they launched the iPad. 4  I’ve been 30 seconds away from anything I needed to know the day I got my first web-enabled phone.5

  1. And, I don’t think I lead an empty life.  I’ve got a MakerBot, you know. []
  2. Thanks to Tony Buser for the link []
  3. Especially personal computers []
  4. ‘Cause, you know, that was Al Gore. []
  5. Well, actually, the day I started down the road to my internet addiction – but that’s not the point. []

So what are you going to make?

I remember the first time I heard this question.  I was babbling to a friend of mine about how I wanted a MakerBot.  His response was to ask:

What is it you need that you want to spend $1,000 getting?

My first inclination when I hear this question to say, “Anything.”1

My second inclination is to step back, think about it for a moment, and then wonder whether I am going to ever actually print $1,000.00 worth of stuff. 2

Thanks to Jeff Keegan for unintentionally reminding me to post this.  :) 3

  1. Sometimes I’m tempted to respond, “Anything I damn well want, Nosy Noserton.” []
  2. Although, at this point, it would be closer to $1,250 of stuff… []
  3. That bastard. []