Am I taking this too far?

You guys are going to have to let me know if this whole “Polly/PLA” and “Abby/ABS” thing starts to get creepy.  Ferris Bueller famously once said…  “You can never go too far.”  As far as I know, anyone who’s ever taken Ferris’s advice ended up just fine.

I’m tempted to explain the references, but I don’t want to kill the joke…

Dear Polly – I can’t believe I’m writing to you again…

My friends are telling me to give you another chance.  They say you’re not so bad, that if I just put in the time things will work out.  They say you’re capable of being faithful too…

Maybe there was just too much pressure on our relationship.  Heaven knows we let things get too heated sometimes.

Was I expecting too much from you?  I thought everything would be magic and come out smelling like roses.  Things seemed to work fine at first, but they quickly turned into a big gooey mess.

Polly, I’m so confused.  After all we’ve been through, I get all choked up…  I just don’t know how I can take you back so soon.  And, well, Abby has always been there for me… 1



  1. Well, for the month and half I’ve had my MakerBot… []

Dear Abby

I’m so sorry – I don’t know what I was thinking.  I must have lost my mind.  Polly meant nothing to me.

The little things just always seemed to work out between us.  Sure, we had our rough patches when it came to larger things, but we learned to live with that.

You were faithful and I let you go.  Abby, please take me back. 1

Yours forever more,


  1. ABS – Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene []