Burner phones can be useful
A little while ago I purchased an LG 38c “Optimus Dynamic” Android based touch screen “pay as you go” phone.1 Frankly, this phone has come in WAY more useful than I ever though it would. Here are a few ways in which I’ve actually used this phone recently:
- Using a tripod adapter of my own design I set up the camera phone outside and captured a time lapse the full lunar eclipse on 10/8/2014.
- I used a GPS map to navigate to a location I was unfamiliar with, and back again
- I captured all of the preparation and dinner for Thanksgiving on a time lapse
- My wife and I recently had a baby girl – I captured the entire frantic trip to the hospital in a time lapse
- I had to stay up all night with my daughter a few weeks ago, captured all of that in a time lapse and set it to Daft Punk “Up All Night“
- I use it to take notes, send email, look things up on the web, while I’m using my regular phone for something important like Doctor Who Legacy
- It’s a cheap movie camera, digital camera, and sound recorder for my eldest daughter
- I used it to play an hour-long recording of ocean waves for our baby, to help her fall asleep
- I used it to watch pretty much all of Californication on Netflix
- An MP3 player