DrawBot – The Delivery, Part III

So, I’ve figured it out.  Admittedly, it took until about 4:45pm today, but I figured it out.

Today was Friday the Thirteenth.  Duh.  That DEFINITELY explains my work day.

I was very happy to find the Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino kit – v1.0 had arrived from MakerBot.  When I opened1 the package I noticed that the kit really was a kit.  Which I already knew.  I knew this was a kit, but somehow I kinda forgot about it.

In a way, it’s irrelevant that I don’t have the other parts since I have to assemble this kit.  So, tonight I’ll assemble the motor shield and tomorrow, hopefully, I can assemble the rest of the DrawBot.

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  1. Read: shredded the USPS box []