Brute force

So, a brute force password attack would mean trying every combination of keys until you hit upon the proper combination for a password.

Here’s the stupidest, but cool in a bloody-minded sort of way, use a possible OpenSCAD randomizing function:

A script that generates a pile of random keys so you can brute force attack a lock.1

  1. See?!  I can think of a frivolous use for anything! []

2 thoughts on “Brute force

  1. That wouldn’t work very well though. It would generate random keys, not every possible key.
    What you want is already doable with the i=[0:n] parameter in a for loop.

  2. @Kliment: That’s true, it wouldn’t work very well at all. While it’s a piss-poor way to hack a door, it would be a funny and amusing waste of time. :)

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