So, I’ve been hacking away at an OpenSCAD sketch of the Cyborg Beast 3D printable DIY prosthetic. At the moment I’m working on designing the left palm.1 I’m reasonably happy with the version so far. I’ve also managed to separate out the cutouts for the hardware from the design of the hand itself. The benefit to doing so is that it should later be possible to scale the hand up or down, but keep the hareware cutouts the same size.
It’s easy to print a hand, fingers, and thumb scaled to 110%, but finding Chicago screws that is 110% may be more difficult. There’s still a LOT of work to do here, but I think this is a good start. Below are the same three views of the two versions (OpenSCAD parametric and original Cyborg Beast).
As I’m going through and replicating the design aspects of the Cyborg Beast, more design issues crop up:
- The grooves where the fingers fit into the palm are either tapered or flared in a non-uniform manner. To get a better idea of this by reviewing the two pictures below.
- The holes for the elastic cord to cause the fingers to return to the open position do not appear to be of uniform diameter, uniform distance apart, or equally centered in the knuckle blocks.
I can’t tell if these are critical design features2 or just design elements that don’t provide additional function or utility. If you happen to know, your input would be greatly appreciated.
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I can recommend Shotcut.
Open the files, drop them into a video, export.