A little while ago I purchased a Polargraph kit from Sandy Noble and now it’s on the way!!!
Sandy is responsible for having put together the best instructions for building a Polargraph/drawbot anywhere on the web. Sandy’s latest kit uses an Arduino Mega clone, a shield specifically designed by Sandy to provide all the Polargraph functions, two StepStick motor drivers, an SD card slot, socket for an XBee wireless module, connections for endstop and servo support, and – best of all – an LCD touch screen interface.
While my own DrawBot was built entirely from off-the-shelf parts, I’d like to make it really polished. At the moment my DrawBot does not look like much. It is two motors bolted to a chunk of plywood with some circuit boards in a plastic holder which is duct taped to the chunk of plywood. It works and is as reliable as the PC operating it, but it is far from pretty. Stay tuned for some new design ideas!
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Brilliant !!
Thankyou for appearing normal ! :D
I think it’s awesome that you recognise that you are like that and have developed ways of letting yourself, be yourself.
Can’t wait for the costume. ;)