What is SyFy without SciFi?

Seriously, ask you.

  • Destination Truth, Ghost Hunters.  Are these supposed to be pseudo-science shows?  I don’t think they purport to be fiction or entertainment.  The people on those shows seem to take themselves pretty seriously.  Perhaps they would be better suited to the “SuFy” channel.
  • I refuse to watch “professional” wrestling on the SyFy channel.  Let’s not even go there.
  • Caprica1 , Dresden Files, Stargate Universe, Stargate Atlantis…  what are they doing?
  • I can’t watch Doctor Who on SyFy and instead tune into BBC America

When the SyFy channel doesn’t show any science fiction shows left…  what is it’s reason for existing?

  1. Which I did not like []

7 thoughts on “What is SyFy without SciFi?

  1. @Tony Buser: Uuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… This makes me very sad. Okay, I like SpikeTV for the Bond/Star Wars marathons, but that only happens a few times a year. I like the ridiculous original movies every Saturday.

  2. Let’s form our own TV channel that airs nothing but science fiction movies filled in with Star Trek episodes. Oh wait! That’s just a Hulu/Netflix mutant.

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