Can a MakerBot make a healthy marriage?

Tony Buser posted this comment over at the MakerBot blog:

My wife bought me my makerbot last year for my birthday and I know someone else whose fiance bought him on too. I’m sensing a trend here – 3D printer operators fall in love with awesome people.

All very “causation or correlation.”  Are 3D printers a sign of a healthy marriage?  Or, instead, do they actually have a health-generating effect on a marriage? 1

  1. Also, can you be a “3D printer operator” without a 3D printer?  I suspect you can.  See, I have a regular 2D printer and I live in 3D, as an operator of said printer I am quite literally a “3D printer operator.” []

2 thoughts on “Can a MakerBot make a healthy marriage?

  1. Well I may have to modify my theory because my wife does call herself a “makerbot widow” since I spend so much time with it. Then again, a healthy dose of alone time does make for a healthy marriage too. :)

  2. Even though I don’t have a job, my wife wants me out of the house. So I had to ask Bre if I could build my MakerBot at the BotCave. MakerBots can save marriages, too.

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