How should I give out two Free Maker Faire Bay Area tickets?

Geek Chic @ Maker FaireGeek Chic @ Maker Faire

After we already bought weekend passes for the Maker Faire Bay Area, I happened to have been given an two day pass tickets. (( Photo Credit: Steve Jurvetson via Compfight))

Now, what is the best way to give these out?  I think I’d like to do a design challenge, but I haven’t decided.  Do you have any suggestions?

4 thoughts on “How should I give out two Free Maker Faire Bay Area tickets?

  1. If you can’t think of anything else, one good – and fair – way to give them away is to award them to the first person who comments on your post.

    Whoever that person may be surely deserves them the most. There can be only one first commenter, so good luck to whomever that may be.

  2. @J Berghoff: Hell, that seems as fair a method as any! Let’s see who first comments to this post and… WAIT A SECOND!!!

  3. So .. did you ever figure out a way to give your tickets away? :)

  4. @J Berghoff: YES!!! I actually e-mailed the first commentor on the thread. Now, what the hell was that guy’s name?!

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