Your argument is invalid.

A pink panther lady with Walt disney’s brainy-head bottle opener whistle!

A pink panther lady with Walt disney’s brainy-head bottle opener whistle!

Okay, Erik, my excuse is that I can’t help myself.  If someone asks me to do something ridiculous, I just can’t not do it. 1

But, man, who actually wants a pink panther lady Walt Disney’s brainy-head bottle opener whistle?  That’s just crazy, dude.  You can print out Pink Panther ladies all day long, but how the hell do you explain printing one of these to your wife?

  1. Can I misuse OpenSCAD, or what??? []

3 thoughts on “Your argument is invalid.

  1. I was expecting contraptions like this when I first saw Meshmixer.

    But the idea that I’m in part responsible for this one is a bit shocking… Still, OpenSCAD as a weapon of choice for making this crazy object is still a choice that I can admire.

    A warning to everyone else: be careful what you wish for, especially with Makerblock around! :)

  2. @Erik: PART responsible? You’re the one who wished this monster into existence. I was but the conduit. I’m clearly not nearly as deranged as the man who dreamed it up.

  3. Pingback: With great power | MakerBlock

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