I suppose a more adventurous sort would just leap into a time machine heedless of the consequences. I tend to be more deliberative. Here’s what I’m planning to take in my foray into the past:
- A small netbook. My itty bitty red Dell Mini 10. Zero battery life, bad resolution, super light weight.
- An analog notebook. It’s made of paper. AKA my “big book of ideas.” This is actually my fifth such book. The last four are sitting on a shelf. Unlike prior versions this is entirely homemade from recycled print paper and a grocery bag.
- A camera smartphone.
- At least two varieties of USB cables for charging bluetooth and charging/tethering phone.
- Maybe a book. I haven’t decided which one. I’ve been meaning to reread The Diamond Age.
- A backpack and a satchel. I say satchel, but I’ll readily admit it’s a manpurse. 1
What am I missing?
- Don’t ever fight who you are. [↩]
The Diamond Age is essential reading for all reprappers.
@Xaq: I couldn’t agree more!
Don’t forget to pack your “I’m not a terrorist” undies! The TSA will appreciate your proactive cooperation.
And, yeah, Diamond Age. Or Anathem, if you haven’t gotten to it yet.
@Dave: The enhanced pat down SUCKS. I wish I were kidding. I brought the Diamond Age. Anathema is great, but JetBlue has weight and size limits. Had to leave it at home.
Analog notebook! That’s hilarious! I like how you have to distinguish nowadays. Could you open source that so I can use that too?
@beak90: I would totally open source it! I took photos of my assembly, which was ages ago, but I’ll def post the directions and photos of the end product.