Warning: All responses from Dave are real, in the correct order, and unchanged. I may have embellished my questions and responses.
- MakerBlock: Dave! How do you spell your last name?
- Dave: dduranT.. T!!!!
- Dave: dduranT.. T!!!!
- MakerBlock: How exotic! I’m having trouble pronouncing the last bit, so I hope you don’t mind me just calling you “Dave.” Well, how did you do it? Oh, and what’s your favorite vodka?
- Dave: Patience, practice, Grey Goose.
- MakerBlock: In two words or less, did you print slowly or fast?
- Dave: Really, REALLY fastly.
- MakerBlock: Um, I guess that counts. I mean, you did only use two words – but you used one of them twice. And I don’t think “fastly” is a real word. Did you run the extruder slow or fast? Please be sure and end your response with a preposition.
- Dave: Slow but not as slow as I expected I’d have to.
- MakerBlock: Did you use a custom nozzle or the standard MakerBot nozzle?
- Dave: I do have a 0.35mm hot end from makergear.com (props to makergear – much awesome to be found there) but haven’t installed it yet. I’m still using the 0.5mm nozzle from MBI.
- MakerBlock: Could you describe your setup for us? Please be sure and include at least one plug for your all-time favorite MakerBot / RepRap blog written by me.
- Dave:
- My cupcake (#915) is all stock except:
- – makergear.com heatercore & PEEK
- – z wobble arrester http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2151
- – 1 z wobble float from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3057 (though I need to make another)
- – 3 z wobble floats from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3091
- – MakerBlock y tensioner from http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1618
- – several small frogs (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3284) sitting on top
- Also using all the latest firmware, repg and skeinforge versions. No SD card, no HBP.
- I’ve been trying to get something more interesting than the 20mm cube to print before claiming the record.. Maybe this weekend.
- Dave:
- MakerBlock: Dave, it’s been great having you on the show. Thank you for coming to speak to us and we’d love to have you back any time.
LOL.. That’ll teach me to pad your comment count…
@Dave: That’s all from your first comment. :) Just think – internet DIY culture fame and fortune are now yours! This blog is read by dozens of people each week! (Hi Mom!)
Fame & fortune?? Woohoo!! When do the checks and groopies show up??
Wait.. DIY? Does that mean I need to do more?
@Dave: Um. Yeah. You get DIY fame, DIY checks, and DIY groupies. “If you build them…”
DIY Groupies. Some assembly required. Also, FORTRAN.