Mouse funnel mousetrap

Peanut Butter Jar Mousetrap v2.0

Mouse funnel mousetrap

After thinking a bit more about my design for a Peanut Butter Jar Mousetrap, I decided it could be even more minimal/adaptable.

This new mouse funnel mousetrap design requires four bolts, four nuts, and some kind of container with a 4cm hole in it.

Peanut butter is still a really good idea.

6 thoughts on “Mouse funnel mousetrap

  1. Pingback: Self-emptying mouse funnel mousetrap | MakerBlock

  2. I like the funnel Idea, except that some breeds of mice do not weigh alot.
    some of the traps I have bought in the past. mice could just stand on and not trigger the trap.

    the trap door kind also never worked for me, cause they didn’t weigh enough to lower the door in the first place.

  3. oops, not “…breads of mice…”., but rather”… BREEDS of mice…”

  4. Too late! Too late! Your misspelling is now part of internet lore! Your grandchildren shall walk the earth in shame! (Actually, I just fixed it for you so no one shall discovery this dark secret).

    This funnel is really for mounting onto a vertical surface – for the mouse to crawl through, rather than as a trap door for them to fall through. The idea is that they’ll crawl through it one way and not particularly interested in fighting against the pokey bits to get back inside. Whether this would work in practice, I have no idea.

  5. You know, the name funnel is misleading. One way door is perhaps a better description.

    Now my inability to name things properly will haunt my descendants for generations to come. Dammit.

  6. Pingback: Wait a second… that’s not a trap at all! | MakerBlock

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