Meet “Bender,” MakerBot Industries CupCake CNC #465. (The name “Flexo” was a close second).
It is an open source robot for printing objects in 3D. The MakerBot wiki is a great resource for learning more about open source projects, hacking (the good kind!!!), and replicating rapid-prototyping robots.
Right now #465 is waiting to be assembled.
Right now #465 is partially assembled. Next step – plastruder and opto-endstops!
Right now #465 is fully assembled and awaiting the first attempt at extrusion with the plastruder installed!
Right now #465 is fully assembled, has extruded, has made some valiant attempts at printing, and is still being calibrated.
MakerBot Bender (#465) successfully printed its first object (a mini-mug) on 12/31/2009 at 9:00PM.
In the picture to the right you can see I’ve moved the plastruder/extuder board to just above the motherboard.
Since this photo I’ve also removed all of the opto-endstops and the endstop ethernet cables, freeing Bender from his obligations to the three laws of robotics.