My original drawing robot was built using an Arduino Uno, Adafruit motor shield, and two beefy stepper motors bolted onto a big chunk of plywood.1 Now I’m in the process of building a new robot using a sweet wooden project box, a freeduino, a PolagraphSD shield, and the steppers from the original drawing robot. The other day it occurred to me that if I only had another set of steppers, I would have everything I need for a second drawbot.
About a week and a half ago I placed an order with SparkFun for some awesome rainbow colored ribbon cable, wire connectors, and some other stuff. Since I was buying some stuff anyhow, I figured $14 wasn’t much to pay to have another set of motors I could use to rebuild my old drawing robot.2 I also see several additional side benefits to having this extra set of motors. First, and most obvious, I’ll have two drawing robots.345 Second,67 I’ll have another set of motors I can put into some other wacky project down the road. Third, I’ll be able to test a totally different software setup on the second drawing robot without having to disassemble the other robot. Ideally I’d tinker a little with the source for Dan Royer’s Makelangelo’s software and Sandy Nobel’s Polargraph software.
Don’t forget to take a minute and fill out my DrawBot poll so I’ll know what to blog about next!
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Brilliant !!
Thankyou for appearing normal ! :D
I think it’s awesome that you recognise that you are like that and have developed ways of letting yourself, be yourself.
Can’t wait for the costume. ;)