If you’re just tuning in, I’m going to be building a DrawBot. Or, in the alternative, I intend to fail as spectacularly as I can.
However, it occurs to me that I need not be constrained by just my ideas of what a drawing robot should draw. Admittedly, several of my anticipated print jobs are going to take a while since my daughter already has a stack of drawings she wants a drawing robot to replicate. Here are the things I’m thinking about drawing:
- A life sized drawing of one of my daughter’s self-portraits
- A bunch of Leonardo Da Vinici sketches
- Wheat Field with Crows by Van Gogh
- A Time Lord Seal
- Something by Jackson Pollock12
So, if you had a drawing robot that could create sketches of arbitrary size, what would you draw?
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I can recommend Shotcut. https://www.shotcut.org/
Open the files, drop them into a video, export.