Okay. Confession time.
First, if you have been following along at home, I’m sorry – I have been leading you on a fool’s quest. I did warn you at the outset I had no idea what the hell I was doing. Carry on, don’t worry about me, I’ll go down with this ship.
Second, here’s the actual confession. Despite amazingly detailed directions from Adafruit’s website, I soldered the Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino Kit v1.0 totally totally wrong. I soldered one of the L293D chips into the location for the 74HC595N integrated circuit chip. And I wondered why it didn’t work.
This would completely explain why the shield made a pop noise, why there was the smell of burning, and why one of the L293D chips (which was not an L293D chip AT ALL) was getting super hot while the other was just fine. I just tried to de-solder the L293D chip, but that’s not going to work. I’ve de-soldered a part before, but surface mount parts are MUCH easier to de-solder. 1
At this point my choices are, from wisest to most foolish:
- Abandon all hope and prayer of building a DrawBot. Power down my laptop, unplug my router, take the battery out of my phone and stop inflicting my delirium on the world.
- Order another Adafruit Motor/Stepper/Servo Shield for Arduino Kit v1.0, and start again. 2
- Keep trying to de-solder that damned L293D chip, hope and pray I didn’t destroy both the L293D and the 74HC595N, then try to put them in their proper spots.
- Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead! Who cares that one sad little chip refuses to act like another sad little chip?! More power and brute force will carry the day. If I cannot make this work, I will ride this project straight into HELL! Mu-ah-ha-ha!!!3
I’ve taken a stab at desoldering the L293D, but it just isn’t working. The solder isn’t really coming out. Even if it does, I’m going to have one hellishly ugly board by the end of the day – and I’ve probably already burned out the L293D and/or the 74HC595N.
At this point, I think I’ll opt for #2 above.
Default Series Title- Score one for SMT, eh? [↩]
- It’s a nice day to start again. [↩]
- The world is ours, let’s use it up. [↩]
Brilliant !!
Thankyou for appearing normal ! :D
I think it’s awesome that you recognise that you are like that and have developed ways of letting yourself, be yourself.
Can’t wait for the costume. ;)