DrawBot – The Assembly, Part IV

Here’s what I was able to do last night:

  • As I’ve mentioned, I know very very little about Arduinos or how to hook them up.  Although the Adafruit stepper motor page gives some guidance as to how to hook up the Stepper motor – 200 steps/rev, 12V 350mA, “Red, Yellow, skip ground, Green, Brown,” I have no idea which side or starting from which end of the terminal block this is supposed to go.  Admittedly, I have a 50/50 chance of wiring it up properly.
  • I tried hooking up two old steppers I had scrapped from some old electronics – but all I got for my troubles was a small popping noise and the smell of electronics.  There was no blue smoke, no apparently burned parts, and I was able to program the Arduino Uno to blink and then run a servo through the Motor Shield.
  • I designed and printed a spool for holding the monofilament line and which will fit snugly on the stepper motor shaft.  I got a little sidetracked playing with Skeinforge settings, but the spools turned out really well.
  • I printed a gondola for holding the pen, designed for the Polargraph by John Abella
  • I designed and printed a holder for the Arduino with the Motor Shield on it – but it was slightly too narrow for some reason.  I’ll have to redesign, reprint.
  • I’ll have to design and print a new motor block as well as a filament line guide.  I have some cool ideas for the latter.
  • I tried to use the Polargraph controller, but I wasn’t able to get it to do much.  I”ll give it another whirl tonight.
  • I know I’ll also have to change some of the Polargraph Arduino code to accommodate the motor and spool combination I’m using.
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One thought on “Goblin Hours, Enabled

  1. Brilliant !!

    Thankyou for appearing normal ! :D

    I think it’s awesome that you recognise that you are like that and have developed ways of letting yourself, be yourself.

    Can’t wait for the costume. ;)


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