It is my intention to travel in time in about three days. My plans are as follows:
On Thursday December 9, 2010 I plan to travel back in time 3 hours along my personal timeline.
On Sunday December 12, 2010 I shall travel forwards again by 3 hours.
Upon meeting people I shall declare unto them, “Lo! I am from the future! And it is a glimmering shiny place! I cannot wait for you to see it!”
You might want to get this shirt for your journey:
Also brought this to mind:

Next Tuesday, I’m going 17 hours into the future. I’ll try and send you an email and tell you what it;s like.
Any hints on what to pack would be welcome.
On Friday, I’m just driving a few hours south.. No time travel involved. Well, except driving time but that’s just like normal time so it doesn’t count.
See you there! :)
@DNA: Well, technically I’m traveling through time and relative dimensions in space. Here’s some of the things I intend to bring with me: peanuts, a small netbook, an analog notebook (made of paper), a flashlight, a camera smartphone, and maybe a book.
@Dave Durant: Yay! I knew constant cajoling would eventually work!!!