After my design-print failure I thought it was about time I recalibrated my ‘bot:
- Starting from scratch, I’m using the 0.5mm test pieces from Spacexula’s calibration set. Before starting I set Skeinforge->Carve->Layer Thickness (mm) to 0.4. Thus, I came to test piece 815.1. The piece came out well, but I noticed that where the Z axis raises there is some slight blobbing and just before the blobbing, some sparse areas I can see through. Otherwise, great interlayer adhesion. The height of the piece is 10.25, 10.31, 10.30, 10.55. Throwing out the high and low, there’s an average of 10.305mm. It is 22.29mm x 22.29mm.
- Skeinforge->Carve->Layer Thickness (mm) to 0.38. Test piece 815.2. Again, slight blobbing, very small sparse areas and great interlayer adhesion. Piece height is 10.39, 10.40, 10.18, 10.19, we’ll call this 10.29mm. It is 22.41mm x 22.13mm.
- Skeinforge->Carve->Layer Thickness (mm) to 0.36. Test piece 815.3. Slight blobbing, very small sparse areas and great interlayer adhesion. Piece height is 10.25, 10.31, 10.14, 10.30, we’ll call this 10.275mm. This one was 22.33mm x 22.29mm.