Uncle Ben had it right

With great power comes great responsibility

The guys at i.materialize turned down a request to print what appeared to be an ATM skimming device cover plate. 1 Like the power of a high quality full color photocopier and a stack of twenties, owning a MakerBot is a serious responsibility.

Edit:  Be sure and check out Erik’s post about the grave responsibilities associated with having access to a 3D printer

  1. Thanks to Clothbot []

3 thoughts on “Uncle Ben had it right

  1. Of course the skimmer already is on Thingiverse, masquerading as a toothpaste squeezer ( http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1009 ). How obvious can you make it, who uses toothpaste squeezers! (Ehrm, I do, apparently, at least I printed one…) The problem is that it’s hard to differentiate the ‘good from the bad’ and the person ordering it might fall under a different legal climate.

    I made a post with the same phrase… (I recall it as a “spiderman” quote) last year:

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