Bad Idea #2098

My response to Denise..who called me a cheese comes from happy cows, but bad milk comes from mad cows

I like my coffee with sweetened and with milk or cream.  However, about six months ago we found we had no milk, no cream, no half-and-half, not even whipped cream in the fridge for the coffee.  What we did have was powdered milk.  I tried my coffee with sweetener and powered milk and it… was… epic.  See, with regular milk you’re actually diluting the coffee at the same time as you’re milk-ifying it.  With powdered milk you get coffee that is as creamy as you want, but without any dilution of the sweet sweet coffee.  Yesterday I had my morning cup and prepared my second cup in a travel mug – but forgot to take it with me.  It sat out all day, all night, and this morning I thought, “Hey, what the hell, how bad could it be?”1

Pretty bad.

  1. Photo Credit: Keven Law via Compfight []